As an executive leader, you alone are tasked with building and developing your organization's core innovation capabilities… the innovation brains and muscles it needs to be able to truly own and shape its future, as well as that of its industry and markets, far into the years ahead of it.

But quite often what executives find is that they alone – either as individuals or as a team – simply do not possess the knowledge and insights needed to be able to do this.   They require additional – highly-informed, external – knowledge and insights that come from equally senior leaders who both: A) understand their particular situation; and B) possess the knowledge of world-leading innovation practices (culled from some of the world's most innovative and long-lasting organizations) needed to bring their own organization up to speed.   All of this so that their organization can have the capabilities it needs to be able to truly drive its industry and markets deep into the future – in the manner that's most ideal and desirable for the organization.

This is precisely where we come in.   We're globally-recognized Corporate Innovation thought leaders who bring to the table the knowledge and insights needed to transform your organization into a true innovation powerhouse — one quite capable of owning, driving, and shaping the future ahead of it.   We engage with corporate leaders and their teams in a direct one-on-one coaching capacity – as their dedicated Corporate Innovation coaches – so that we can impart to them the knowledge and insights they so desperately need, and in a way they can fully internalize.

In this capacity, we begin with an exploratory dialogue together where we seek to understand your organization's current capabilities, the new capabilities it needs to develop and master, and what you perceive as being the organization's biggest obstacles to achieving that and why so, as well as its most important opportunities for achieving that and why so.

We then spend some time on our own preparing specific thoughts and insights for you, so that through our subsequent dialogues we can in fact lead, coach, and guide you – and your executive team – into the steps that will need to be taken to develop and master these new capabilities in your organization.

We then reengage with you – either as individual leaders, or together as an executive team – to spend time having these conversations and discussions where, using a direct coaching approach, we walk you through the organizational journey that is going to be required to transform your organization into the innovation powerhouse it needs to be to be able to own and shape its future indefinitely.   This will typically include certain foundational steps (the business' purpose & charter), organizational steps (structures, roles, processes, enablers, etc.), strategic steps (specific directions and initiatives), and financial steps (budget allocations, etc.).   Depending on the scope of the steps involved, this can require some time to navigate, and therefore it is often spread out over several discrete coaching sessions taking place over a period of time, until at last we have finally completed this transformative journey together.

The end result of this is an internal plan of action on your part where your team has total clarity on the foundational, organizational, strategic, and financial steps your organization will have to undertake in order to be able to drive new innovation in a comprehensive, ongoing, and sustained manner — by which it will then be able to own and shape its future to become the ideal and preferred future.   This brings complete confidence in your organization's ability to become – and remain – the primary driving force in its industry and markets... the ultimate pinnacle of market leadership.


The Executive Program Coaching Engagement typically follows these steps:

  1. We begin by listening to you, as senior leaders, to understand your organization's current capabilities, the new capabilities you believe it needs to master, and what you perceive as being the organization's biggest obstacles to, and opportunities for, achieving that, and in each case why so.
  2. We then spend some time on our own preparing our specific thoughts and insights, including how we will weave those into our discussions, so that through our dialogue together we can in fact lead, coach, and guide you – and your executive team – into the steps that will be needed to transform your organization into a true innovation powerhouse.
  3. We then spend time with you – either as individuals or together as an executive team – having these conversations and discussions where, using a direct coaching approach, we walk you through the organizational journey that will be required to transform your organization into the innovation powerhouse it needs to be (to be able to own and shape its future indefinitely).   Depending on the scope of the steps involved, this can require some time to complete, and so is often divided into several discrete sessions carried out over a period of time, until eventually we have completed this journey together.
  4. As your organization begins to implement these steps, we make ourselves available as required to assist you with oversight and correctional inputs, giving our guidance as needed to ensure that progress is being made in the right directions and at the right pace.
  5. Adjacent to this, and as needed, we can also be engaged for other, more specific consulting activities, such as, for example, detailed organizational structure design or detailed research and strategy development.   Ultimately we want to ensure that your organization succeeds in implementing the prescribed steps, so that it can in fact drive its future as intended.

Engage us for Executive Program Coaching.



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